Preliminary Task: Planning

We have been asked to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then engages a few lines of dialogue.

I was put into a group with Sophie Olive and Jenny Breislin, together we talked about what we would like to do. We decided on a student being asked to be seen by a teacher and building up the tension of them being scared about being told off as they approach the room, but then when they get there the teacher praises them for good work.

To plan the filming, we made a story board, showing the sequences of shots we will take when we film tomorrow. We have included lots of close ups and want to add music to create more tension to exaggerate the thought that she’s in trouble. We are using Tamsin Roark to play the teacher and Jenny is playing the student, while me and Sophie film and record the sound.


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