Reservoir Dogs: Planning

We have been given the task of remaking the opening of Reservoir Dogs directed by Quentin Tarantino.

We must remake it as accurately as possible to make it as close to this clip as possible. My class of 18 was split into 3 groups, 2 groups of 7 and a group of 6. First we looked through the clip a few times and decided who would play each character and who would film, I am the person who is going to film. We also planned where we are going to film, the start of the film will be filmed in the canteen and the rest of the clip filmed next to the wall that runs alongside the bus lane. After making decisions about the location, we watched the clip a few more times, as we did this, we took note of the sequence the characters appear in and who else is in the scene when they appear and also each characters costume and their movements and facial expressions as they are shown in the opening.

From this we notified the sequence of shots used and disused how we would recreate them  on our own filming, for example, the dolly shot as they are walking past the blue truck. However we are still unaware of how we are going to achieve this because the other two groups managed to book the schools only dolly before us leaving us without the time to use once the other group had finished. We did however think about using a bike and putting the camera on it, and this is probably what we will do.

Since the planning lessons, we have created a group chat on Facebook that include all the members of our group. On this we have discussed what each person will bring, such as black blazers and ties, candy sticks as cigarettes and who would make a cigar. This has now all been sorted and we are ready to start filming.

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