The Kings Of Summer

The Kings of Summer, directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, is described as a ‘coming of age comedy’. The film is about 3 teenage boys, who are friends and are all unhappy with their home lives. So as an escape from the misery they experience at home, together the three of them decide to build a house in an area of the woods that is very isolated and that no one knows about so their house would never be found by their parents or anyone else. After building the house they decide that they’re going to live off the land, no more shopping in supermarkets or conforming to society. So they try to teach themselves to hunt and they collect berries and make their own fires and other things that connect them to nature. Meanwhile their parents have contacted the police and everyone is searching for them. The three boys living together goes well for around 3-4 weeks until a girl gets involved and breaks up two of the boys friendship.

I found the film to be quite funny with a fairly good story line. It is definitely aimed more at teenages, I doubt an adult would really enjoy it as the plot is quite strange and far fetched. However I did enjoy watching the film, it is light hearted and easy watching for a boring Sunday afternoon. If there is nothing else you can think to watch on a rainy day at home, I recommend this, it is a bit silly but it will make you laugh and keep you entertained for an hour or two.

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