Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters 

Last night, whilst babysitting a set of 12 year twins, I was made to watch the second film on the Percy Jackson series, Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters. After watching the first film, Percy Jackson: And The Lightening Thief, I was quite pleasantly surprised as I really didn’t think it would be my kind of film but it was quite enjoyable. However I wouldn’t be quick to watch it again. Anyway back to Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters, I thought thus film wasn’t as good as the first one and I didn’t think the first one was that great.

media PJThe film is about Percy Jackson, obviously, who is a half-blood or demi-god. This means that one of his parents is a human and one of them is a god, Percy Jacksons mum is a human and his dad is Poseidon. He trains in a camp with other half-bloods and his good friend and sort of sidekick, Grover, who is a satyr. Together they compete against each other and train to be come good enough and strong enough to fight mythical creatures and people if they have to. In Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters, Luke from the first film come back and causes havoc, again. However Percy Jackson and his team are there to save the world, again. They all go on a quest to retrieve so sort of cloth that restores life and Luke wants the cloth for evil and Percy wants it for good, of course.

I completely understand why people enjoy these films and want to watch them. But I just don’t really think they’re a genre I enjoy for one and I found the film to be just a bit too obvious and over the top which didn’t make it at all believable or engrossing to watch. I wouldn’t advise that you rush out and watch this but if its on television and you’re bored with nothing else to watch, it would enjoyable fill your time.

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