Man on a Ledge

‘I will leave this world as I entered it, innocent’

Man on a Ledge is a crime-thriller directed by Asger Leth. I watched this film as research into our chosen genre, thriller. Man on a Ledge is about a man who is wrongly convicted of a crime. The crime he supposedly committed was stealing a precious diamond. After being sentenced to 25 years in prison, he escapes. To prove his innocence, he book a room on one of the top floor of a hotel, when he gets there he wipes his prints off everything and claims out the window onto the ledge. After people see him looking like he is going to jump and kill himself, the police are called but because there are no prints they do not identify him as the escaped criminal, they just think he is another suicidal person wanting to jump. Meanwhile the criminals brother is stealing the diamond he supposedly stole to prove that it was never taken and in turn prove that the convicted criminal is innocent. A negotiator comes to try to talk the man down and during they’re conversation the police find out who he is but they don’t realise what his brother is doing until it is too late.

I thought this film was a little far fetched but still quite gripping, I didn’t particularly enjoy the film but I did want to watch to find out what happened at the end. The film was a little difficult to get into, the opening did seem to drag a bit but then it got better. If you enjoy typical crime-thriller then you would enjoy this, it has all the features of a crime-thriller, there is a crime obviously. The police are seen to be oblivious and stupid. There is more to the plot that you first think, which is very typical of a thriller and the film have more physical threats than anything of the mind so it definitely falls more into the crime sub-genre.

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