Research into Credits

To make the opening two minutes of our film look as professional and realistic as possible, Vicky spent some time researching the opening titles and credits to films that build tension in the first two minutes, like ours will. Although this example is a documentary, it still builds tension in the same way we expect our film to.


As you can see from this example. Most tension building films don’t include many titles, as too much writing over the opening sequences can ruin the tension they are trying to create in the first two minutes to build up to the film starting. In the example, only 3 titles, including the film title are shown in the opening two minutes. This is because if you are trying to concentrate on what the titles are saying, you are distracted from what is happening and therefore don’t feel the tension that is being created.

From this research we have decided that it would be a good idea in our film to include fewer titles than we were first thinking. Maybe only including the film company names and the film title. If we included all the actors names and the director it would be too much writing and distract the viewer from concentrating on our film opening.

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