Shooting Schedule

Here is the shooting schedule research and final shooting schedule Chloe has done:

A shooting schedule is created to make the filming of any project much more efficient, as the crew will have a clear, step-by-step list of what to film and in which order. The shooting schedule will also work well with the story boards, to give a clear representation of what is said on the schedule.

I took on the role of making the shooting schedule as I had completed the second ident and was at a loose end as to what to do next.

To help with the creation of our very own shooting schedule, I researched the shooting schedule from a film that had already been produced to understand what a professional schedule looks like:

shooting schedule

The schedule is taken from a horror film named I Have Never. As you can see, the shooting schedule is very detailed to make the filming much easier, and so that everyone on set knows where to be and what to do.

Here is the shooting schedule I created:

2015-12-132015-12-13 (1)2015-12-13 (2)2015-12-13 (3)2015-12-13 (4)2015-12-13 (5)

Although the shooting schedule I created isn’t completely the same as the shooting schedule from I Have Never, I feel that it will be very helpful when it comes to record the opening two minutes of the film.

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