Dolly Shot Practise

Chloe and Vicky gave recently practised the dolly shot we will be using in our filming. Here is what Chloe said about it:

‘Last lesson, Vicky and I practiced how to set up the dolly track and how to make the camera move along the track. It is important that we practiced this type of camera movement so that we can film our footage much more efficiently, and so that we can set the dolly and tripod quickly. We will use the dolly when filming the shots of the mother walking.

Vicky then recorded me walking, to replicate the shots we will feature in the opening two minutes. Afterwards, she edited the shots and uploaded them to Vimeo.

This is the first attempt:

In this shot, you can see that there is a part where the camera is really wobbly. This is due to the fact that me and Vicky had not correctly assembled the dolly track, so that when we moved the tripod cart over where the two pieces of track joined, the tripod came out of the holes where it sits.

Then, after looking at the join and realising that we hadn’t pushed the pieces of track together properly, we rectified this problem and the take looked much better:

Now that we can execute this shot properly, we will be able to utilise it by using it to transition from one part of the house to another, rather than just simply cutting from one shot to the next.’

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