
We set Friday the 18th of December as our day for filming. So on this day, I got up early and put the camera battery on charge and made sure the sound recorder had batteries. Everyone arrived at my house early to allow us to have time to film. First of all, myself and Chloe moved the furniture around so there was room for filming and so that the area Vicky was sitting in was clear, we also moved things to allow room for the dolly. Whilst we did this Vicky got into her costume and Maddy helped her get ready but curling her hair and doing the makeup on her wrists. After Vicky and my mum were ready, we set up the props, such as the tea set and the teddies. We also made sure all curtains and blinds were closed and put the lights on instead, not only did this add to the privacy the mother character would have wanted in her home it also meant that the lighting wouldn’t change throughout the day and that when it got dark we could still film. We managed to get all our filming done in one day as we started early and finished late.

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We filmed each shot multiple times and from different positions so that later we will have a selection to chose the best one from, we also recorded al the sounds multiple times. Alongside the shots we filmed on the shooting schedule we printed before the day of filming and used to help us on the day, we recorded ‘filler shots’ such as the fireplace and different ornaments, these will help when it comes to editing because they will help if any shots show inconsistency and although I doubt it will be a problem we can use the filler shots to make sure our final project fills the 2 minutes it needs to fulfil the brief. Overall I feel the filming process went quite well, we followed the plan and rarely had any problems occur. Although we did find it difficult to do the through the wall shot, it was difficult as we had to create a flat smooth surface for the table dolly to run across for the shot to be successful. However we had the idea of using the footstool from my living room and I feel we eventually completed the shot quite well. Another shot we were worried about filming was the tea being poured on Vicky as once her dress was wet and tea stain we wouldn’t be able to repeat the shot. However we managed to film from an angle where you couldn’t see if the dress was wet or not and this meant we could repeat the shot. I feel both the actress we used in our film opening were very professional and took the process very seriously and were very helpful. Within the group we didn’t have specific roles, we all did a bit of everything, we shared the filming, sound recording and all shared the ideas we had which I think made the filming process much easier to achieve. After a successful day of filming, I now look forward to the editing process and hopefully all the hard work will have paid off with our final film.

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