Adaptation Made From Criticism

After showing our rough edit, we were given some very helpful feedback that has allowed us to further improve our 2 minute film opening. Below I will explain what improvements we made in connection with my previous criticisms post.

  1. Our first criticism was about the mother walking down the hallway and how this was too slow. We tried to put the clip in fast forward but only by a small amount and found that it was very obvious it had an effect on it when watching it back. So we just decided to cut the clip down and make it shorter, we successfully did this and have been told that it is noticeable that she is walking faster in the next shot anymore.
  2. We have now added all the diegetic sound, we have used a mixture of sounds recorded from the camera and sounds from the recording device. We have made sure all the dialogue is lip synced and that you can clearly her all the diegetic sound over the non-diegetic. The film is noticeable much better with continuous diegetic sound throughout.
  3. We struggled when improving the criticism about the first ident but after trying lots of different things, we found that using the TV scramble transition from Final Cut between the two idents and putting in sound that bridged the gap between the two idents making them flow from one to the other much more nicely was what worked best.
  4. We watched our film through without the non-diegetic music box music and definitely preffered it with the music in the background. We also tried it with different music but still found that the original sound was what sounded the best.
  5. We finished the title page with the new font and definitely prefer it to the first title with the chalk writing. The new title creates a much creepier and eerie effect and fits with our chosen genre much better.
  6. We did eventually record Vicky screaming in the sports hall and imported it onto Final Cut. The new scream is much more effective and nicely creates a sound bridge between the end of the film and the title page as the echo carries on through the fade. The scream definitely make our film much more creepy and really adds to the final scene where the mother scolds her daughter.
I am much happier with how our film looks after making these improvements. It fits our genre better and looks much more professional and well presented. Below is the improved version of our 2 minute film opening:

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