Final Cut Criticism

We have now shown our improved film opening to the class and received more feedback. This showing was much more successful than the last and everyone agreed that it was an improvement on our Rough Edit. However there was a few things we were given to think about before having a completely finished film opening. We were told that it was difficult to think of criticisms but this is what we received:

  1. The diegetic sound of the kettle being turned on might be out of sync. When the video was shown to everyone it was lagging a little so that could be the reason for the sound not being quite in place or the clicking sound is just a little out of sync. Either way we will watch over our film again and check if the sound is correct and if it isn’t, it only takes a few seconds to fix it.
  2. The diegetic sound needs to be emphasised more. For example when the mother is making the tea the clanking of the pot could be louder and more obvious. We will improve this by increasing the volume of the diegetic sound and maybe turn the background non-diegetic sound down a little.
  3. Make sure the diegetic sound is consistently obvious throughout, especially in the scene where the mother pours the tea and unties her daughter. This is a very similar criticism to the one before so can be improved in a similar way.
As you can see we received fewer criticisms and the feedback we did receive is easy to fix so hopefully we will have a finished film we are all happy with in the very near future. It seems that all the hardwork has paid off and we all look forward to having a finished film opening to be proud of.

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