The Revenant

Recently myself and a friend went to go see The Revenant. A historic adventure film starring Tom Hardy and Leonardo DiCaprio. We went to watch the film at the ODEON and as we gave our tickets to the man at the ticket desk for him to rip and tell us what screen to go to he said ‘let me guess, you two are just watching this to perv on Tom Hardy?’. Never knew it was so obvious that we were such big fans! But as always Tom Hardy did not disappoint.

In the film, Leonardo DiCaprio is savagely attacked by a bear. This scene is amazing, it looks so realistic. The fur and the claws and everything on the bear are just perfect, its as if you’re watching a real bear attack. Anyway the attack leaves DiCaprio in a bad way to say the least and eventually he is left for dead by his own men. From here he has to fight for his own survival and carry on with the hope of being reunited with Tom Hardy to get revenge for the murder of his son.

I strongly advise going to see this film whether its your kind of film or not, I genuinely only went to see this because I like both Tom Hardy and Leonardo DiCaprio but I was apprehensive as I’m not a big fan of war type films that are set so far in the past. However I was very pleasantly surprised, the acting is amazing and its interesting to follow Dicaprios journey as he does all he can to survive and get the revenge his son deserves.

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